Tuma's Books - Celebrating Diversity

Celebrating the Release of Knucklehead by Tony Keith Jr.

Celebrating the Release of Knucklehead by Tony ...

Happy publication day to Tony Keith Jr.'s second baby, Knucklehead! A huge congratulations to @tonykeithjr on bringing another powerful work into the world.

Celebrating the Release of Knucklehead by Tony ...

Happy publication day to Tony Keith Jr.'s second baby, Knucklehead! A huge congratulations to @tonykeithjr on bringing another powerful work into the world.

Book Review + Lesson Ideas/Discussion Prompts for Mid Air by Alicia D. Williams | Black Author | Middle Grade | Novel in Verse

Book Review + Lesson Ideas/Discussion Prompts f...

Mid Air is a middle grade novel in verse about 8th grade Isaiah's struggle to accept himself in the face of society expectations while grieving the lost of his best...

Book Review + Lesson Ideas/Discussion Prompts f...

Mid Air is a middle grade novel in verse about 8th grade Isaiah's struggle to accept himself in the face of society expectations while grieving the lost of his best...

Review: Ella by Diane Richards | Historical Fiction | Black Writer | Library Loan

Review: Ella by Diane Richards | Historical Fic...

Engaging look into the life of Ella Fitzgerald as a teen in NY during the 1930s. 

Review: Ella by Diane Richards | Historical Fic...

Engaging look into the life of Ella Fitzgerald as a teen in NY during the 1930s. 

Book Review: There's a Rio Grande in Heaven by Reuben Reyes Jr. (Salvadoran, Speculative Fiction)

Book Review: There's a Rio Grande in Heaven by ...

Wow! This was a really powerful collection of stories about the migrant experience by a Salvadoran-American writer. The speculative fiction vibes of the stories amplified them even more for me....

Book Review: There's a Rio Grande in Heaven by ...

Wow! This was a really powerful collection of stories about the migrant experience by a Salvadoran-American writer. The speculative fiction vibes of the stories amplified them even more for me....

Review: Beyondtopia: Legends by Bryan Valenza and Henry Barajas

Review: Beyondtopia: Legends by Bryan Valenza a...

Beyondtopia is an amazing and unique collection of fascinating graphic novel stories based on Indonesian folklores, heroes, and legends. 

Review: Beyondtopia: Legends by Bryan Valenza a...

Beyondtopia is an amazing and unique collection of fascinating graphic novel stories based on Indonesian folklores, heroes, and legends. 

Celebrating Disability Pride Month with Inclusive Reads!

Celebrating Disability Pride Month with Inclusi...

Happy Disability Pride Month! This is a perfect time to reflect on and celebrate the diverse narratives of disabled authors and stories featuring disability representation.

Celebrating Disability Pride Month with Inclusi...

Happy Disability Pride Month! This is a perfect time to reflect on and celebrate the diverse narratives of disabled authors and stories featuring disability representation.